Cédric Dangeard

Master in applied Mathematics, statistics

About Me

Hi, my name’s Cédric and i’m a Data Engineer for Orange Business. I’m looking for challenges, and to improve my skills in machine learning and big data technologies. I’m used to work on short term project but I like to see the big picture and identify difficulties before acting. I’m really looking forward to work on projects with real stakes.

I am most skilled in: Machine Learning, Python and Reading board games rules


Chatbot Disney

A chatbot based on disneyland Paris FAQ.

A group project involving some scraping, NLTK, vectorisation of text. We also trained two neural networks, one for discrimination in case the user question seem to select the right awnser from the FAQ and a LSTM to generate an original awnser otherwise.

Novelty detection on time series.

Participation to this kaggle like tournament, involving data Science student from france. We used Python and sklearn and learned a lot about some machines learning algorithm, like isolation forest and one class SVM. Our propositions involved DTW similarity and fourier transform.

R-shiny project

A small project to visualize some cartographic data, using Rshiny and leaflet, also some more “basic” graphs.

Bokey cryptocurency trader

A small trader for cryptocurcy using an API and Bokeh interactive graph, to visualize in real time results. Multiple trading strategies can be implemented. For now, the bot only simulate transactions.

Othello game

A group project in C made back in engineering school, we made a Othello game, with an UX and a basic IA using Alpha-Beta algorithm.

A 4 player game

A small game to practice my php skills. Today i probably would use Django if i had to redo it.




Internship as Data Scientist

March 2020 - August 2020

Data Scientist intern, i developed an app on R-shiny to visualize cartographic data. I also worked with the experts and managers to redesign their pilloting, using Jaspersoft the plateform used by Enedis. On the side i worked on small modelisation problems and on a facility location problem.


Internship followed by a student contract

April 2019 - July 2019 - Present

Statistical project manager on a study about employements and formations around Rennes, in east brittany.

Urgence afrique


November 2016 - June 2018

Webdesign for an NGO. I remade and organised some pages using their already made Drupal website. It involved a lot of css and some html.


Université Rennes 2

MSc Applied Mathematics to Statisics, Data Science


High Honnors

Text prediction, Machine learning, Deep learning, Large-scale data, Massive and complex data, Bayesian statistics,

Python, Dask, Spark, Hadoop, SAS.

Université Rennes 2

Bachelor in Mathematics and Computer Science applied to HSS


Inferential statistics, probabilities, international economics, demography.

INSA Rouen (engineering school)

2012 - 2016

Algebra, Topology, Analysis and other basic math classes. C, Java, and some Network and informatic classes (operating systems, signal processing, …).

A Little More About Me

Alongside my interests in neural networks and AI some of my other interests and hobbies are: